Code of ConductThe College of Law Practice Management (COLPM) is committed to providing a welcoming, safe, and productive environment for all Fellows and COLPM staff. Additionally, the value of the College rests in an open, respectful, and confidential exchange of ideas and experiences that help advance legal practice management. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, sponsors, guests, COLPM staff members and service providers, are expected to abide by this Meeting Code of Conduct (“Code”) whether participating in-person or virtually. This Code applies to the COLPM annual Futures Conference and all COLPM webinars, educational sessions, and meetings, including those sponsored by organizations other than COLPM but held in conjunction with COLPM events, whether on public or private platforms (collectively, “meetings”). COLPM has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including but not limited to sexual harassment by participants or our staff at or during events. If you experience harassment or hear of any incidents of Unacceptable Behavior (defined below), COLPM asks that you immediately inform either the College President or the College Administrator, so that COLPM can take action to address the situation. Unacceptable Behavior includes, without limitation:
COLPM reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from a meeting without warning or refund, in response to any incident of Unacceptable Behavior or other violation of this Code, and COLPM reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting. As of February 29, 2024 |