Class of 2025 New Fellows(l to r): Kerry Price, Kate Simpson, Damien Riehl, Paul Weiner, Maya Markovich, Lisa Simon, Lawton Penn, Kathleen Pearson, Basha Rubin, Mirra Levitt, Stephanie Wilkins, Karen Dunn Skinner, Jody Rosen Knower, Clinton Gary, and Justin Hectus. (Not pictured: Roberta Tepper) Michael Mills InnovAction Award Winner
(l to r: David Schaefer [Calibrate—sponsor]; Sarah Carver [Alaska Legal Services Corporation]; Jennifer Johnson [Calibrate—sponsor]; Rick Kathuria [Judging Panel Chair]) Alaska Legal Services Corporation (ALSC) is pioneering the community justice worker (CJW) program—an innovative approach to expanding access to justice by moving beyond traditional attorney and courtroom models. In 2023, ALSC launched the Community Justice Worker Resource Center (CJWRC) to: (1) support the hundreds of CJWs currently training or serving throughout Alaska; and (2) collaborate with partners in the lower 48 to grow a nationwide CJW movement. Click here for video. This project, which serves as a model for other US states, Canadian provinces and territories, is rooted in strong collaboration with tribal and community partners and provides culturally appropriate, community driven legal services to all Alaskans, particularly in rural and under-resourced areas. CJWs, non-attorney volunteers trained in specific legal issues, are embedded in community organizations to assist with civil legal issues affecting the health and safety of community members. The CJWRC develops training and certification standards, supervises cases and outreach, and addresses CJW wellness. The CJWRC has built a statewide network of CJWs that serve Alaskans living in even the most remote villages, ensuring a more accessible, community-centered approach to legal assistance. ALSC continues to expand this successful model further into rural Alaska and assist similarly interested tribal communities throughout the United States. Conference HighlightsClick here for conference photos, speakers' slide decks, and more. Futures Forum—